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Calculate the salary of your employees more easily
Create patterned schedules and employee shifts easier, see how we can help you make your work easier.
Calculate the salary of your employees more easily
Create patterned schedules and employee shifts easier, see how we can help you make your work easier.
Eliminates the hassle of manual payroll period calculations
You can save time compared to when using the manual process
More flexible and powerful, making HR administration easier for employees
Eliminates the hassle of manual calculations on payroll periods
>320 hours
You can save time compared to using the manual process
More flexible and powerful, making it easier for employees’ HR administration
Reduce the time you spend on HR
Retail businesses move dynamically and have many challenges in managing multiple administrations. We are here to lighten your load, so you can provide better customer satisfaction.
- Create a custom schedule for employees
- Create a patterned schedule
- Real-time data access

Access all data from each of your business branches
With a dashboard that can be accessed online, you can monitor data for each branch easily and can be accessed at any time.
Easy and efficient setup
As a business owner, you can adjust the work schedule of each employee according to shifts and can set penalties/sanctions according to company regulations.

Start enjoying the best HR experience with PayrollBozz